Further support for AMD-Xilinx Power Estimator added to Flex Power Designer

The new release 4.1 adds further support for importing AMD-Xilinx Power Estimator data, this time covering the Kintex UltraScale+ family of devices. Connected rails are now automatically pre-configured with AMD-Xilinx recommended PCB decoupling capacitors in the output filter design tool.
The new release also contains improvements for load transient simulation and optimization for ASCR based products, as well as further improvements of the system optimization feature, including the addition of a generic LDO to the product list to allow for complete power supply rail analysis, even for the lowest current rails where a module is not needed.
We have also introduced a new feature for in-application software updates, meaning you will always be sure to have easy access to the latest updated version of the tool.
To download the new release, please log-in to your account:
In case you do not have an existing account, you can easily create an account on the Flex Power Modules' website: