USB-PMBus Adapter Kit
This product serves as an interface adapter or a bridge between a host PC (IBM™ compatible) and one or multiple PMBus design/evaluation boards via a standard type-A to mini-B USB cable.
The communication between the USB-to-PMBus adapter and the host PC is via USB, while the communication between the USB-PMBus adapter and PMBus design/evaluation board(s) is via an inter-integrated circuit (I2C) and/or general-purpose input/output GPIO. The bridge converts communication transactions between the USB and the PMBus.
The USB-to-PMBus adapter is needed to connect to any of our digital Evaluation Boards.
The current version of the FAB8020785 USB-PMBus adapter kit is available for fast delivery from DigiKey HERE. However, this version will be discontinued once current stocks are depleted.
Replacement USB Interface Adapters include TI's USB-TO-GPIO2 (NOTE: this version is suitable for use only with Flex Power Designer v4.6.0 or later). This is also available from DigiKey and from Mouser.