New release 4.2 for Flex Power Designer

In this release, we have added full support for our latest family of Digital Point of Load (PoL) converters delivering up to 80A in a compact SIP package – the BMR474 series.
In addition, we have added support for the popular PMU series of analog PoL converters within the Loop Compensator tool, which is one of the most popular features within FPD. The PMU delivers 4 A, 6 A or 8 A in a package measuring just 7.5 x 7.5 x 5.4 mm, and is a popular solution to power the multiple low current rails needed by devices such as FPGAs, DSPs and ASICs.
To aid customer designs still further where multiple rails are required, a new function enabling and supporting external sequencing controllers has been included, and also a ripple indicator and maximum ripple requirements have been added to the loop compensator.
We have also introduced an Event Log node in the configuration browser for easy reading of the Black Box Event recorder.
When importing XPE files from AMD-Xilinx into FPD, the recommended capacitor values are automatically carried over into the loop compensator tool, and the required sequencing requirements for all rails are also automatically populated.
Other usability improvements in the new version 4.2 include the ability to zoom in and out within the system view, and the ability to add colored lines for ease of tracing multiple connections, as well as squashing a few bugs along the way.
You can easily download the new release by clicking on the link.